VooV Meeting

Acceptable Use Policy

Last updated: August 5, 2024

1.                 INTRODUCTION

This Acceptable Use Policy sets out rules of good behaviour applicable to your use of VooV Meeting. By using VooV Meeting, you agree to this Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”), which forms part of the VooV Meeting Service Agreement (the “Terms”). Tencent,” “we,” “our,” and “us” refer to the applicable Tencent entity as set out in the Terms.

Should you have any questions about, or any person’s compliance with, this Policy or wish to report violations of this Policy, please contact us at info@voovmeeting.com.

Any terms used in this Policy will have the same meaning as the equivalent defined terms in the Terms, unless the context requires otherwise.

2.                 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES

You agree not to (and to not allow or cause any person (including any End Users) to) engage in any of the following prohibited activities (or encourage any person to engage in such prohibited activities) on or in relation to VooV Meeting.


You may not, and you may not permit any other person (including any End Users) to (except where we expressly permit you to do so):

Please note that there may be technological measures in VooV Meeting’s Software that are designed to prevent unlicensed or unauthorised use of VooV Meeting’s Software or use of VooV Meeting’ Software in breach of this Policy. You agree that we may use these measures and that you will not seek to disable or circumvent them in any way.

4.                 PROHIBITED USERS

In addition to any prohibitions as set out in the Terms, you may not register for or use VooV Meeting if:


We reserve the right, but are not obliged, to investigate any alleged breach of this Policy or misuse of VooV Meeting.

We may suspend and/or terminate any user's use of or access to VooV Meeting in accordance with the Terms. In addition, and to the extent not already allowed by the Terms, we may report any activity that violates (or may violate) any applicable laws or regulations to appropriate law enforcement or regulatory authorities or other appropriate third parties, and cooperate with such authorities or third parties in any related investigations. Such cooperation may include disclosing:

6.                 Reporting Mechanism

If you become aware of any person using VooV Meeting or engage in any acts that violate any applicable law or regulation and/or this Policy, you may report this to us by contacting us at info@voovmeeting.com.